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Arts Involvement


Several times a year, the Grotto Choir and members of the DSO perform orchestral Masses by composers such as Haydn, Mozart, and Bach.


Leonardo Defilippis portrays Maximilian Kolbe, the Saint of Auschwitz.

A scene from Palla Eius,

a musical written, directed, and performed by Grotto parishioners.


Leonardo Defilippis has performed at the church several times.  Parishioners, too, have been involved in theater. The most noteworthy of these has been three musicals, written, directed, and performed by Grotto parishioners.


Joseph Pearce discussed his books

about authors J.R.R. Tolkien

who used fantasy 

to comment on the need for heroism in modern culture. 

Michael Rose spoke about 

Goodbye, Good Men, his book that investigates the priest shortage.

The parish has sponsored lectures by

noted Catholic authors like

apologist Steve Ray, 

Catholic commentator Michael Rose,

and historian Joseph Pearce.

Several parishioners have published books of their own, which are available in the Grotto Gift Shop.

Two depictions of
St. Bernadette Soubirous - 
painting by Jerome Rochon
sculpture by Ed Chesney
Print Art Exhibit brochure/entry form

From the church's interior to the grounds and the cemetery, there is something beautiful for the eye to behold at Assumption Grotto.




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